Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So, fellow blog readers (are you out there? You never comment!)

Well first of all, how do you like the new funkalicious layout?

It is time for me to take a hiatus. I just don't have time to blog, wedding plan, cook, study... you get the gist.

I *might* post something once in awhile, but it probably won't be my home cooking... kind of what I've been doing more recently, as you can tell.

I'll return probably sooner than later, but I just wanted to feel important for a second and give you the heads up.

Oh, and I'm venturing off to Thailand at the end of July and beginning of August. When I return I'll have pictures and tales of my foodie adventures. I'm going to try EVERYTHING (well, maybe not everything), but I plan on trying more seafood, spicy foods, and native veggies and fruit. One that particularly comes to mind is the durian. Just google it:


Ashley M said...

I hope you have an awesome honeymoon! And good luck with the Durian too, I have had the misfortune of trying it twice: once fresh, once in candy form. I had always heard that durian smells disgusting but "tastes heavenly". In my opinion, it tastes just like it smells! That would be a combination of onions, rotting cabbage, sulfurous eggs, old gym socks, and a port-a-potty. With a tiny hint of strawberries :) Now combine that taste with a mushy, slimy texture, and you have the most vile food I have ever tasted (and the ONLY food that Andrew Zimmerman from Bizarre Foods cannot eat!). Despite all this, it is definitely something that everyone should experience at some point, I am hoping to buy a frozen one at Far East grocery and persuading Hormozd to try it haha.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ashley!

I'm getting ready to post a new entry; complete with pictures of me trying durian :-)

The honeymoon was awesome.