Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So, fellow blog readers (are you out there? You never comment!)

Well first of all, how do you like the new funkalicious layout?

It is time for me to take a hiatus. I just don't have time to blog, wedding plan, cook, study... you get the gist.

I *might* post something once in awhile, but it probably won't be my home cooking... kind of what I've been doing more recently, as you can tell.

I'll return probably sooner than later, but I just wanted to feel important for a second and give you the heads up.

Oh, and I'm venturing off to Thailand at the end of July and beginning of August. When I return I'll have pictures and tales of my foodie adventures. I'm going to try EVERYTHING (well, maybe not everything), but I plan on trying more seafood, spicy foods, and native veggies and fruit. One that particularly comes to mind is the durian. Just google it:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Not a huge seafood person, but a huge fan of Phish!

Okay, so this isn't a post about cooking... I have done some baking and cooking in the kitchen lately, but haven't been blogging. My camera's out of batteries, and I can't find the charger, and what's a blog without pictures, right?

Aaron and I just got back from seeing Phish at Toyota Park in Chicago. As cliche as this sounds- there truly aren't words to describe it. It was our first Phish show, and it was an amazing experience that will always seem like a "sunshine daydream." :-)

Some people that we met had been to 40 shows. And although it was our first, they were friendly and welcoming and made sure we had an awesome time. It was like being in a huge, hippie family for 7 hours.

We arrived around 5:30ish. Aaron was instantly amazed- I don't think he realized how much he was going to be in his zone! It definitely reminded him of Berkeley. We pulled into a gravel parking lot where tons of people had already arrived, grilling out, drinking beer, reminiscing with fellow Phish heads that they hadn't seen since the last show.

Tons of tents were set up near the front of the parking lot. T-shirts, paraphernalia, tie-dye dresses and bandanas and hats, jewelry, food... it was an amazing sight to see. After walking around a bit bewildered we stopped at 2 girls who were selling "ice cold beer from Michigan!" As we approached to buy beer (2 for $5), the girl selling out of her cooler knocked a plastic cup filled with brew all over my sandals. Everyone was so friendly there, she assumed my reaction would not be a pissed off one. I didn't care at all, actually... it was so hot there that it was refreshing to have something cold on my toes. Instead of apologizing to me, she laughingly said, "Oh, don't worry. I'll get another one." It just proves the carefree attitude that Phish heads are known to have. I'm not a huge fan of beer, but they picked some out for me they swore I would like. And I surprisingly did. Aaron had a hoppy beer of course. And off we were, exploring the various tents.

We passed people selling more beer, unoriginal food such as pizza or hotdogs for a shockingly high price, veggie burgers and burritos, all kinds of food. We browsed until we found something worth the money, and we were amazed when we saw a bratwurst covered in what looked like pineapple and blueberries. Well, the guy informed us it was not a brat with pineapples and blueberries, but an organic duck or elk sausage with organic havarti cheese, honey mustard, and organic blueberries. He gave us a free sample. I was scared I was going to have a hard time keeping it down, but it was surprisingly delicious. We got 2 for $10... how weird and yummy!

At this point, it was nearing 7pm, when the show was *supposed* to start... it started a bit later, but we shockingly had wonderful seats (or standing spots, I should say) on the ground floor. We spread out a blanket and made friends with the people behind us, who just happened to be going to Ohio the next day (as in, today) for Phish's next show.

There were several outbursts of cheer and applause, as the crowd waited in anticipation. And finally, they were there... standing before me... I practically felt the need to tap the glass... was I watching this on my computer? On a large TV screen? But no, they were real, right in front of me.

They played tons of songs that I knew, some that I didn't, but either way, I was amidst a people who swayed, danced, and moved to the music in a way that you knew their hearts could feel the music. I truly believe that soul-moving music can take you to another place. There are certain chords, certain rhythms, lyrics, voices... that can not only make you see the world differently, they can make you feel like you are not of this world.

I was sad when it was over, but at the same time enchanted, looking forward to the next time. I think this is how Phish heads get started. They go to one show, and that's where it all begins.

"Take me to another place, she said
Take me to another time
Run with me across the oceans
Float me on a silver cloud"
-If I could, Phish